6 Apr 2007


It's funny when I try to think of where my art style has developed from, and what are my inspirations. I completely love Cezanne, he is a master of colour and light techniques, the forerunner of cubism. And Matisse is another master of colour and form. Freda Kahlo has such depth and power, and Esher is the master of perspective.
But I live in the 21st century and two of my biggest influences are from this century. Now don't expect anything profound here, my influences may well be laughable to some, but indeed they have influenced my creative vision, the way my mind's eye sees.
Disney and the Simpsons! As funny as it is, I don't see skys as blue and trees as green. I see rabbits as purple and sunsets or orange and green. I see trees as orange and clouds as pink. These colours are again developed from my love of surrealism and thus kaleidoscope eyes arrive.
Here are two example of my cartoon influenced style. The tree at the top left is an untitled work (although i am pondering 'Land of Milk and Honey'). It was my first acrylic painting and is on ply wood. It is still a work in progress and may never be finished.
The painting below is called 'Ganapathi', and is of the god Ganesh represented in leaves. It is maybe the second or third acrylic I painted and still one of my favourite pieces.

View a flash gallery of the full series here


Tracy said...

Tanya, You are so talented.

Mel :) said...

i love love love the first pic on this post - its incredible!!!
